The smell of freshly-mown grass mixes with the cracks of bats and the heavy thumps of baseballs hitting mitts. Baseball season is again upon you, and with PureSim Baseball 2007, the latest and most advanced baseball sim from Matrix Games, you can put yourself anywhere - in the stands, in the front office, at the ticket booths or in the dugout... wherever you want to mold the next baseball dynasty.
PureSim Baseball 2007 doesn't stop there, though; imagine any and every baseball conversation you've ever had. Ever argue with anyone about how Nolan Ryan might fare throwing to Babe Ruth? Or wonder if the 1947 Yankees could crush the 2000 Yankees? With the incredibly detailed Lahman Database included, you can play or incorporate any team or player that touched the diamond from 1900 through 2005!
PureSim Baseball 2007 also lets the slugger in you design your own teams and leagues, giving you the opportunity to field a real 'fantasy' team against any opponent in online or offline play. Your players, like your organization, will grow; their skills fluctuate, they age, and eventually, they retire. All the while you pull the purse strings and negotiate the hard contracts that will ensure your dynasty has the power it needs to stay on top. In PureSim Baseball 2007, the only limit is what you can dream.
So, what are you waiting for? Play Ball!
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