The integration with Skype helps people to meet new friends all around the world, and brings out the recognization of the real time interaction. With a support of a SNS website, CaraQ City, people in CaraQ Room can do both real time interaction or forum discussions with others. CaraQ Room offers different kinds of room styles, and more than 100 different furnitures for people to decorate. People can change their decoration at anytime. Moreover, people can visit other's rooms or public city maps for fun.
In CaraQ Room, personalize avatars is a must. It offers all kinds of facial expressions, head dresses, clothes, and gadgets for people to dress up their avatars. The unlimited combination of styles creates uniqueness for most majority. You can see all kinds of different avatars created by different users. The avatars in CaraQ Room will display different actions by detecting keywords in your sentences while you are chatting in CaraQ Room. This special keywords detection makes your conversations more interesting and cute. CaraQ Room creates an opportunity for users to meet people all around the world, and it strengthen the ability of personalization.
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