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Music Racer free 3D musical racing gameWith Music Racer, your favorite songs will never be the same again. This is a clever free racing PC game that draws inspiration from WipEout but mixes the fast-paced action with a custom soundtrack of your choice. Just delve into your MP3 collection, choose the tracks you want to listen to and watch the game generate an amazing 3D track that respects the rhythm of the music.

It’s not dissimilar to games such as Amplitude, being an addictive project where the player has to collect orbs to reach the highest score. There are several game modes to try, such as Catch All, where the player has to collect the largest number of green orbs and avoid the red orbs. In Speed Hold, missing the beats will make you lose speed and also slow down the music, to an amazing effect.

An impressive free game featuring fantastic visuals and smooth animation.

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