Street Fighter 2 brings back the good old SNES times and it is still a lot of fun to play. Choose your character and fight enemies all around the world to become the champion!

With Street Fighter IV the classic Capcom franchise enjoyed a fantastic comeback and several different games were since then released or are in development.

Online multiplayer (via internet) remake of X-Men vs. Street Fighter arcade game. The new download version of SFO has brand new features such as Windows Vista support.

In this Japanese 1 or 2 player fighting game called Super Cosplay War Ultra (SCWU) the fighters turn into different characters from anime movies, TV shows and video games.

If Super Smash Bros. was adapted to the Gameboy, the resulting game would be something like Super Smash Land. Nintendo heroes such as Link, Kirby or Mario are

Super Street Fighter II NES is a great adaptation of the famous game to NES quality, using the popular MUGEN engine. All the notorious fighters imagined by Capcom...

Super Vampire Ninja Zero prototype is a fighting game where the player takes control of Mina, a martial arts expert that has some demon/undead butts to kick!

The Black Heart is a fighting game created with the M.U.G.E.N. engine. There are six playable characters to choose from. The game has been inspired by many things.

The Monster Mash is a fighting game created with the inevitable MUGEN engine, and one that shows a great deal of care in the design of the characters and backdrops.

A contender for the weirdest fighter ever award, Zangefool Fighter 20XX takes on the classic Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter formula and offers a cast that is comprised...