Guitar Rage is a Guitar Hero clone in Portuguese, includes three tracks but more can be downloaded from the official website, from groups like Guns 'n Roses...

Harpooned is a free game for Windows and Mac. It is a Cetacean Research Simulator, where you play the role of a Japanese scientist performing research on whales.

Mario Paint Composer is a remake of the music system from the original Mario Paint for the Super NES. It is made by unFun Games. The game is, of course, completely free...

Oolite is a space sim game, inspired by Elite, powered by Objective-C and OpenGL, and designed as a small game that is easy for users to pick up, modify and expand upon.

Opera Slinger is a free, rock-opera singing game designed and created by a team of ten students at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy in Orlando, FL.

osu! is primarily played using a mouse to click 'beats' displayed on-screen in time with the music. This is analogous to tapping the beats on the Nintendo DS screen with a stylus.

This is the first game in the Pakoon trilogy. The creator made the game to learn more about OpenGL graphics programming and at the same time coded a simple mass-spring physics.

RiftSpace introduced freeform gameplay by letting the player select contracts, travel to other planets, and customize/upgrade their ship and their squadron's.

Star Wraith 3 took the graphics and gameplay to an entirely new level. This was the first game to feature multiplayer, players of the game could connect over the internet or LAN.

Star Wraith 4 brought new features, gameplay and effects to the game. This was the first game to feature a mining and tractor beam along with new mission objectives.