Quasar is an exercise in getting your stuff together and cooperating for the best of the group. It’s also a free adventure game for PC developed by Crystal Shard.

AGDInteractive Studio has released for free a remake of Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire, the second installment in the popular adventure series Quest for Glory.

Escaping from a prison is never easy. But doing it with a correctional officer's consent is even harder. Officer Matthew Holmstett is a walking, talking regulation book...

Ivan Ace is a 20-something senior electronics student. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he ended up living in the same dorm with some of his cute female juniors from university.
FreePCGamers review

Reversion is a free episodic series created by the indie Argentinean studio 3f interactivo using the versatile Wintermute Engine, the same that powered other quality freeware...

Robolution is a free adventure game where only robots exist. The human race was extinguished by machines tired of working for unreasonable hours.

Rosemary is one of the most beautiful free PC games one is able to play. Created with the WinterMute Engine, the same that powered another impressive adventure game...

After the platforming antics of Rocky Memphis and the Temple of Ophuxoff, Ovine By Design returns for more exploration but on a completely different level.

Some games are just magical. Sometimes even the barest approach is enough to touch players and make them feel more involved with a game than the most expensive of...

Sailor Moon Dating Simulator 3 is a fan-made Sailor Moon video game. The goal of the game is to win the love of Aino Minako by asking her out on dates, giving her gifts...
FreePCGamers review

The president's lost it. Federally mandated group hugs, a pudding embargo... what's next, gun control? Sam & Max are off to Washington to take care of this bozo.

You are lost in a mysterious forest and have no idea how you arrived. With Sango (from the anime Inuyasha), you must figure out how you got there and why.
FreePCGamers review