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Outbound is a fabulous freeware game that features full mechanized combat. This overhead shoot-em 'up is sort of an arcade version of MechWarrior.

Patrol Falcon is a remake of Falcon patrol, an old C64 classics by Steve Lee, in which players have to defend their ground resources from waves after waves of enemy planes.

Pekka Kana 2 (Pekka the Rooster 2) is a jump 'n run game made in the spirit of old classic platformers such as Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Jazz Jackrabbit, Super Frog...

Pete: the Laid-Back Rabbit is a free action game featuring three different worlds, one mini-game and a cool rabbit. One day he is watching TV and a vortex suddenly appears...

The students from the DigiPen Institute of Technology keeps on offering us great free games such as Tag: The Power of Paint or Attack of the 50ft Robot! and PhaseOut is another one.

Phenomenon 32 is a free 2D exploration/platforming game with RPG elements. Follow the story of humanity’s last survivors and their desperate attempt to secure...

Pirates of New Horizons isn’t a full game like the majority we post here, since there’s no free game yet to post. Actually, this is a prototype showing the qualities of a game that indie studio...

Tired of seeing millions of colors and high definition graphics? You’re a huge fan of Halo and the Master Chief adventures? Then you’re in luck! Eric Ruth created a Halo demake...

This is no ordinary platformer! Pogo Sticker is what happens when you make a "Jump 'n Run" game but leave out the Run. It means non-stop jumping from the beginning to the finish line!

Polarity is a 2D platforming/puzzle game based on magnetism. The goal is to navigate environments and solve puzzles by using your suit's magnetic properties in interesting ways.