Lords Online is a browser strategy MMO in a medieval fantasy setting. Unlike many other free games of the genre where battles are decided solely by the number of units...

MafiaCreator is a website that easily allows anyone to create their own Mafia role-playing game and tune it in any way they want to. Make your own PC game for free...

Marvel Avengers Alliance is a free-to-play browser-based game that includes all your favorite superheroes in one compelling MMORPG. Play with a team that includes Iron Man...

In Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, a free MMO brawler from Gazillion Entertainment (also responsible for Marvel Universe Online) that can be played in your browser.

Might and Magic: Heroes Kingdoms is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online strategy game based on the previous PC games. This is a game with a heavy focus...
Might and Magic Heroes Online is a spin-off of the famous Might & Magic series. Featuring the classic strategy and RPG mix of the previous titles, this game adds MMO elements...

Ministry of War (also known as Terra Militaris) is a latest generation free browser game featuring high-end graphics and absorbing gameplay. Build your empire from...

Miramagia is a cute browser game published by the same studio behind the acclaimed and also free Travian MMO. On Miramagia players enter a cute and wonderful magical world...
Moshi Monsters
Moshi Monsters is an amazingly cute free online game for kids, where everyone can adopt a friendly pet monster and play several games online. Each pet has their own personality...
My Lands
My Lands is a browser-based strategy game where players may earn real money if they fulfill all the necessary conditions. Thousands of players cooperate to develop their cities...
Naruto Saga
Naruto Saga is the second free-to-play Naruto MMORPG from IceGames, after Ultimate Naruto. Naruto Saga is an isometric MMORPG with turn-based battles in the style...

Offensive Combat is a free to play online FPS with plenty of humor and crazy costumes, offering fast-paced gameplay and impressive graphics for a game that runs in your browser.

OGame is a popular and free strategy browser-based game set in space. Thousands of players across the world compete at the same time, forming alliances or competing against each other.

One Piece Online is a free-to-play tower defense action RPG featuring dozens of characters from the popular One Piece manga and anime. You'll meet characters such as Luffy, Zoro...

In ourWorld, a free casual game, younger players will enter a virtual world where safety, creativity and fun are major concerns. ourWorld features over 200 games...
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